The Relation Between Trismus And Difficulty Of Mandibular 3rd Molar Impaction (Clinical & Prospective Study)
Objective: The purpose of this clinical study was to evaluate the relation of trismus in association with removal of impacted man- dibular third molars and several clinical variables (degree of impaction and difficulty of extraction & gender effect).
Method: Data were collected for all patients who underwent extraction of an impacted third molar in college of dentistry, Depart- ment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hawler Medical University. A variety of data were collected for each patient, including age, sex, medical status at the time of the procedure ,degree of mouth opening, type of impaction and type of procedure performed. All extractions were performed under local anesthesia by the same dental surgeon. Maximal inter-incisor distance were measured preoperatively, at first, second and third day following surgery to record the occurrence and degree of truisms.
RESULTS A total of 54 patient comprising 23 male and 31 female. The age range of patients was 20-30 mean (25); statistical analysis showed that there was highly significant relation between type of impaction and preoperative opening, and showed that there was very highly significant relation between gender and preoperative opening.
Conclusion: the degree of mouth opening after surgical removal of impacted third molar is related to the difficulty of impaction, as in class A of impaction the trismus was less than that class B and class C, and degree of trismus was more in class C than that of class B and class A.
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