Oral Factors Predisposing To Injury Of Permanent Incisors In School Children In Al-Ramadi City

Lamia I.S AL-dulayme


Dental trauma is a serious public problem causing psychology, aesthetic,social and therapeutic problems and its irreversible pa- thology that after occurrence is characterized by life-long debilitating effects.
This study aimed to investigate the oral risk factors for injury to maxillary permanent incisors among Al-Ramadi schoolchildren aged 6-13 years, the result clarified frequency of traumatically injured teeth increase in class II division I, lip incompetent with increase over jet and overbite value more than 4mm but only the over jet more than 4mm and lip incompetent reach the level of significant (p< 0.01)

Thus, special preventive program and correction of predisposing risk factors should be carried out in early mixed dentation


Traumatic teeth, occlusion, overbite, over jet, lip position

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26477/idj.v35i2.152


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