Oral Health Status In Relation To Salivary IgA And Antioxidants Among A Group Of Gasoline Stations Workers
Background: Workers of gasoline stations have the potential to be exposed to hazardous substances that are present in the occu- pational environment like gasoline vapors which is carcinogenic to the humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate salivary IgA and salivary antioxidants and the relationship of these variables to oral health status among workers in gasoline stations.
Materials and methods: 44 males aged (33-39 year) were enrolled in this study, 23 of them were workers in gasoline station for at least five years and 21 healthy males were control group matching the workers in age. Stimulated saliva was collected and sub- jected to biochemical analysis for detection of salivary IgA and antioxidants (uric acid, magnesium and zinc ions). Oral health status was evaluated by using decayed, missing and filled surface index (DMFS), plaque index (PlI), gingival index (GI), calculus index (CalI) and periodontal pocket depth (PPD).
Results: Salivary IgA was lower for the study group compared to the control group with highly significant difference(P<0.01)while uric acid was significantly higher for study group than the control one(P<0.05).Similarly magnesium level was higher among the workers than the control group though the difference was not significant(P>0.05).In contrast the level of salivary zinc was higher for the control group than the study group with no significant difference. Regarding oral health status, DMFS, PlI, GI, CalI and PPD index were higher for study group compared with control group although the differences were not significant except for CalI which was highly significant (P<0.01). In general, not significant correlation were found between salivary variables and the other oral parameters for the two groups.
Conclusions: Gasoline workers stations were associated with decrease salivary IgA and increase salivary antioxidant (except zinc ) this may explain the increase in caries experience and periodontal diseases among those workers.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26477/idj.v35i1.158
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