Cytokeratin 19 significance in normal and HPV infected oral mucosa

Suha A.H. Hind



The present retrospective study was performed on normal oral mucosa and infected oral mucosa with human papilloma virus (HPV).

With main objective to establish the expression of cytokeratin 19 in normal and HPV infected oral mucosa due to the virus effect.

Materials and Methods

This study involves a total of (34) cases, (24) sections from oral mucosa of 24 females were
infected with HPV virus, and (10) sections from normal mucosa. The expression of cytokeratin 19 was carried out on 4μm speci- men sections using Immuno histochemical staining of cytokeratin 19 antibody.
The staining demonstrated the expression intensity, percentage and localization.


Results show cytokeratin 19 was expressed in both normal and HPV infected oral mucosa, but the expression in infected mucosa was significantly different from that of normal one, and the intensity of the staining was more in the basal layer of infected mucosa than normal, in addition to that results show both nuclear and cytoplasmic expression and involves the whole layers of the infected mucosa.


HPV can infect oral mucosa and persistent HPV infection in the oral mucosa might increase the risk of developing oral cancer due to its effect on the differentiating host keratinocyte cells, so HPV infection is one of the contributing factors for OSCC.


Cytokeratin 19, Human papilloma virus (HPV).

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