Evaluation of the Involvement of the Tempromandibular Joint in Patients with Osteoarthritis Using Computed Tomography Compared to Sonography for Detection of Osteoarthritic Changes.

Hajer Ibrahim, Shifaa Alnuaimi, Ahmed Adel Othman


Objectives of the study:
To determine the extent of tempromandibular joint involvement in patients with osteoarthritis. To evaluate the correlation
between clinical findings and radiographical findings.To evaluate of the accuracy of sonography in detection of osteoarthritic
changes compared to Computed tomography.
Materials and methods: thirty six patients are exposed to CT scan(64-Brilliance) and compared the results with sonography(12.5Mhz)
for evaluation of radiological changes, comparison between clinical and radiololgic changes also have been taken.
Results: There was significant correlation between clicking and joint effusion in computed tomography(CT),while tenderness
showed significant correlation with osteophyte and joint effusion in sonography,other correlations show no significant correlation
between clinical and radiological changes.
Conclusions: The radiographic changes in tempromandibular joint were positively correlated with duration of osteoarthritis.
Sonography was more likely to be sensitive rather than specific in detection of osteoarthritic changes.


Tempromandibular Joint; TMJ; Osteoarthritis; Computed Tomography; CT ; Sonography


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26477/idj.v36i3.20


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