Oral Rehabilitation with Combined Prostheses of Partial Edentulism Associated with Tooth Wear and Loss of Vertical Occlusal Dimension: A Case Report

Emna Abid, Amel Labidi, sana Bekri, lamia mansour


The treatment of partial edentulism associated with severe tooth wear constitutes a real challenge for the dentist. The combined prosthesis remains a preferred solution to harmonize occlusion curves and restore oral functions. The use of attachments as a means of retention optimizes the aesthetic result and guarantees the psychological integration of the prosthesis. This therapeutic approach requires knowledge and skills on the part of the dentist and the prosthetist as well as a rigorous prosthetic study.

This article presents the treatment steps with combined prostheses in a bruxer patient with generalized dental wear.


Occlusal vertical dimension;tooth wear; combined prosthesis; denture Precision Attachment;millings

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46466/idj.v46i2.286


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