The Histopathological Effect of Local Injection of Fucose on Bone Fracture :An Experimental Study on Rabbits

Chenar A. Mohammad, Amal Hana Aziz, Aveen Ajeel


Aim: To evaluate the effect of sulcular injection of 50μl of 150mM fucose on rabbits with bone trauma.
Background: α-L-Fucose is a methyl pentose sugar similar to L-galactose except for the loss of alcohol group on
carbon number 6.It is found in human serum bound to proteins by covalent bonding and it is a member of a large
group of compounds known as covalent bond membranes .
Materials and Methods: The present study was carried out on 65 male rabbits, bone trauma was introduced into the mid- labial
areas of facial plate of the alveolar bone of lower right central incisor for all rabbits . The rabbits had been left for 7 days after
induction of bone trauma, then 5 rabbits were sacrificed and considered as a base line traumatic group . The remaining 60 rabbits
were divided randomly into two 2 main groups, first group consist of 30 rabbits and were injected locally with 50μl of 150mM fucose
solution into the bottom of gingival sulcus at the mid-labial area of lower right central incisor and were considered as fucose
injected group and were divided randomly into six subgroups(each subgroup consist of 5 rabbits) , then periodontal tissue biopsy
was collected from injected group at time intervals of 1, 3 ,7 ,14, , 21 , and 28 days after fucose injection , while the second group
consist of 30 rabbits with bone trauma only and were not received any fucose injection and considered as non injected group and
were divided randomly into six subgroups (each subgroup consist of 5 rabbits), sacrificed at time intervals of 8,10,14,21,28 ,and
35 days after induction of bone fracture.
Results: The results showed that fucose injection enhanced bone regeneration and healing of traumatic bone in short duration
of time, 1 day after sulucular injection of fucose (8 days after induction of bone fracture).
Conclusion: α-L- Fucose can be used as a bone stimulating agent which stimulate and accelerate new bone formation, so fucose
can be used in the treatment of alveolar bone defect in periodontitis patient


α-L-Fucose; periodontal biopsy; sulcular injection

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